Melero Boutique & Gallery Opening in San Diego
Featured Artist:
Quirarte & Ornelas (Mexico 1980 and 1979)
Quirarte & Ornelas (Mexico 1980 and 1979)
They are a couple of young artists who analyze their daily environment, they take records of daily life by showing how they are living it and not how they see it. Their work is a detailed selection of landscapes, objects, scenarios and circumstances. They have received important awards and exhibited internationally places like Germany, Korea, USA and Japan.
Melero Boutique & Gallery has opened its doors on December 1st in the heart of Little Italy offering European and American designer clothing and accessories as well as contemporary art from acclaimed artists.
MB&G features MARIJOLI by Marielle Byworth

Ron Arad - Sculptor extraordinaire
With two galleries in Mayfair, London, Ben Brown Fine Arts has now arrived in Asia. Bringing some of the most celebrated international living and non-living artists to the increasingly vibrant art scene of Hong Kong, Ben Brown promises to maintain their reputation for quality and taste here in the East.
The gallery launched 2 major shows opening at the end of November 2009; a group show of major international artists from their permanent gallery at 301 Pedder Building and the other, ‘Ron Arad in a China Shop’, a solo show by the world famous Sculptor extraordinaire, from their exciting space at the prestigious IFC.
I personally enjoyed texting "Lolita" by Ron Arad for Swarovski crystal palace all night +85298027466
BEAMS/Marijoli - Winter, dress for success!
marijoli / "MABE" バングル
¥65,100 (税込)
BEAMS Online Point - 3100ポイント還元
ス イス人デザイナーMarielle Byworth(マリエル・バイワース)による、東京生まれの独創的なファッションブランド「Marijoli(マリジョリ)」。既にジュネーブやロンド ンでは、注目ブランドとしてメディアで多数紹介されており、ファッションセレブからの信頼も厚いブランド。自然や生物からインスピレーションを受けた、抽 象的な事象をモチーフに描いたデザインは、ミニマリズムを意識していて独創的。これまでにない上質でありながら遊び心に満ちたデザインが特徴的なコレク ションです。
原産国: タイ
Kim Joon
Joon Kim’s (Korea, Photography) works originate from his interest in tattoo due to its
intimacy with the body and its instant decorativeness. While the tattoo was a unique
Asian art form from many years ago, over time it evolved into a genre whose concept
became the utter opposite of what it once was. The ultimate purpose of tattoo remains
the same in that it serves the function of expressing one’s social status and individuality
to oneself and others alike. With the interest of improving the somewhat disparaged
image of tattoo, Kim Joon aims to reinvent the body as the site of beautiful expression
through the use of tattoo. However, in keeping with the current
intimacy with the body and its instant decorativeness. While the tattoo was a unique
Asian art form from many years ago, over time it evolved into a genre whose concept
became the utter opposite of what it once was. The ultimate purpose of tattoo remains
the same in that it serves the function of expressing one’s social status and individuality
to oneself and others alike. With the interest of improving the somewhat disparaged
image of tattoo, Kim Joon aims to reinvent the body as the site of beautiful expression
through the use of tattoo. However, in keeping with the current
Korean culture where
tattoo is considered almost taboo, his works involve not direct body tattooing per se,
but images that utilize 3D computer graphics program. Kim Joon’s computer graphics
are somewhere in between painting and photography and the resulting digital humanoids
are painted with brand logos such as Gucci, Armani, Budweiser, and BMS. To Kim,
tattoos are a metaphor for one’s hidden desire and hard-to-control obsessions and
through tattoo, he started to see the people and the world. To him, tattoos represent
the mental awareness that liberates the individual’s or the organization’s oppressed
desire; the skin is simply the canvas and the tattoo becomes the individual’s cultural
expression. Kim’s tattooed bodies represent the luxury brands that are sealed onto
our consciousness and suggest the serious impact that it has on our identities through
the most sensual and tempting gesture. It contains the message that we become sealed
and are reduced by what we consume.
tattoo is considered almost taboo, his works involve not direct body tattooing per se,
but images that utilize 3D computer graphics program. Kim Joon’s computer graphics
are somewhere in between painting and photography and the resulting digital humanoids
are painted with brand logos such as Gucci, Armani, Budweiser, and BMS. To Kim,
tattoos are a metaphor for one’s hidden desire and hard-to-control obsessions and
through tattoo, he started to see the people and the world. To him, tattoos represent
the mental awareness that liberates the individual’s or the organization’s oppressed
desire; the skin is simply the canvas and the tattoo becomes the individual’s cultural
expression. Kim’s tattooed bodies represent the luxury brands that are sealed onto
our consciousness and suggest the serious impact that it has on our identities through
the most sensual and tempting gesture. It contains the message that we become sealed
and are reduced by what we consume.
Diana d'Arenberg
Sundaram Tagore Gallery
57-59 Hollywood Road
Central, Hong Kong
t: +852 2581 9678
Shop with Stylist Misha Janette

Misha Janette
1983年 米国ワシントン州生まれ、シアトル近地育ち。2004年 アメリカより来日、2007年文化服装学院卒業。
卒業の後に母国に帰らず、東京でファッション・コラムニスト、ファッション翻訳家を中心に 活躍を開始。そして、生れながらのアーティスト心を養育しようと、衣装デザイン、スタイリスト、アクセサリー作りとグラフィックデザインにも積極的。 2009年よりFrivolite活動をスタート
英字新聞ジャパン・タイムズ「 STYLE WISE 」コラムニスト / NumeroTOKYO英字コピーライター兼インタービュアー / 共同通信社「ファッション・チェック」コラムニスト / 装苑ゲスト・ライター / CNNgo.comファッションコラムニスト / high fashion、米日WWD、 NHK「東京ファッションエ ク スプレス」翻訳 / superfuture.com東京ショッピングガイド編集長 / TextileVIEWトレンドハンター
詳しくは、「 Frivolite の詳細」ページをご覧ください。
『ファッション・ジャーナリストとして世界コレクションを飛び回り、翻訳でデザイナーと身近にパッ ションを共有でき、スタイリストとして自分の世界観を作り出すことができ、そして、デザイナーとしてのモノ作りで自分の軌跡を世に残せる』ということは、 クリエイターのとしての限りない喜びです。
『こらからの人生、Fashion Showを一本も見ず、一人のデザイナーとも話をせず、一着のモード服にも手を触れないと誓ったら、100億円をあげる』と言われても、絶対に断る。なぜ なら、Fashion is my life ですから。ファッションに触れられなくなったら、死んだも同じ。
「マリジョリ」は、スイス人デザイナーである Marielle Byworth(マリエル・バイワース)が,
既 に海外でも人気があり、ケイト・モスやマドンナ、そして国内では、安室奈美恵 やモデルの道端ジェシカなどが愛用しています。BEAMS,TOMORROWLAND そして RESTIR というトップ・セレクトショップでも取り扱っているが、すぐ完売状態に・・・。近々大ブレークするブランドなので、今の内に手に入れると人に自慢できるで しょう・・・。
Marijoli's updated shoplist
"Marijoli" is now available in 11 shops in Japan!
BEAMS exclusive bracelet is now available at their shops.
Don't miss it!
Restir (Roppongi) / Roppongi Midtown 1F, 2F
TEL: 03-5413-3708
BEAMS HOUSE (Marunouchi) / Maru Building 1F
TEL: 03-5220-8686
BEAMS HOUSE (Roppongi) / Roppongi Midtown 1F
TEL: 03-5413-7690
Land of Tomorrow (Aoyama)
TEL: 03-5766-7462
Blossom (Aoyama)
TEL: 03-6804-3231
Double Standard Clothing (Roppongi) /Roppongi Hills Hillside B1
TEL : 03-3401-3299
Double Standard Clothing (Ebisu) / Atre 5F
TEL: 03-5475-8348
Double Standard Clothing (Nagoya)/ Meitetsu Hyakkaten Young-kan 2F
TEL: 052-585-7565
Double Standard Clothing (Kyoto) / Hankyu Kawara machi B1F
TEL: 075-223-8623
Sov.Double Standard Clothing (Osaka) / Herbis Plaza ENT B2F
TEL: 06-6346-7088
Sov.Double Standard Clothing (Kanazawa) / Korinbo
TEL: 076-220-1016
BEAMS exclusive bracelet is now available at their shops.
Don't miss it!
Restir (Roppongi) / Roppongi Midtown 1F, 2F
TEL: 03-5413-3708
BEAMS HOUSE (Marunouchi) / Maru Building 1F
TEL: 03-5220-8686
BEAMS HOUSE (Roppongi) / Roppongi Midtown 1F
TEL: 03-5413-7690
Land of Tomorrow (Aoyama)
TEL: 03-5766-7462
Blossom (Aoyama)
TEL: 03-6804-3231
Double Standard Clothing (Roppongi) /Roppongi Hills Hillside B1
TEL : 03-3401-3299
Double Standard Clothing (Ebisu) / Atre 5F
TEL: 03-5475-8348
Double Standard Clothing (Nagoya)/ Meitetsu Hyakkaten Young-kan 2F
TEL: 052-585-7565
Double Standard Clothing (Kyoto) / Hankyu Kawara machi B1F
TEL: 075-223-8623
Sov.Double Standard Clothing (Osaka) / Herbis Plaza ENT B2F
TEL: 06-6346-7088
Sov.Double Standard Clothing (Kanazawa) / Korinbo
TEL: 076-220-1016

Marielle Byworth for MARIJOLI in Paris
RENDEZ-VOUS,the contemporary fashion fair
Start Time: | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 10:00 |
End Time: | Monday, 05 October 2009 at 18:00 |
Location: | Espace Pierre Cardin |
Street: | 1-3 Avenue Gabriel |
Town/City: | Paris, France |
ROCK HARDER atelier with Marijoli jewelry

I had amazing time working with Emily Brickel during NY09 fashion week.
Kerry and Lynn from Nolcha were very helpful for introduce me the right person.
Have a look at the video!

MATRECK/bracelet on my favorite dress ;)
INVITATION >editors, retailers, stylists...

Accessory Designers come together to Under One Roof promising to adorn the masses with unique eclectic pieces
A selection of independent accessory designers are set to provide a diverse mix of both talent and audience at the Nolcha Fashion Week: New York Accessory Lounge. The event is located at the Bohemian National Hall in association with Czech Republic Consulate and is welcoming editors, retailers, stylists and industry figures from 12pm – 6pm to meet the designers and view the Spring/Summer 2010 collections.
Lynn Furge; Nolcha Creative Director, shares: “Accessorizing your wardrobe is an essential way to show originality and fashionable sensibility. We look to new fresh designers to guide us away from the everyday uniform and spruce up an outfit. In usual independent fashion, it is the materials used and unique groupings of color and texture that make Nolcha’s talented Accessories Fashion Showcase stand out. We will have something for everyone from bold and exotic, to classic and quaint, because when it comes to accessories diversifying your collection is always the best way to go.”
The participating designers include:
BettyLou Jewels has created a confidently casual look and made it unique, setting the stage for what we can expect from this new vibrant and affordable, high quality line of jewelry; beautifully bold designs handcrafted out of sparkling diamonds and gleaming precious metals. Striking that perfect pose between chic and fun, BettyLou Jewel’s playful, modern pieces are so versatile they enhance any outfit and carry today’s style-savvy woman into the office, café, or yoga studio.
eenamaria is a holistic design venture specializing in hip urban life accessories, ranging from leather belt bags to P/U Vegan, environmentally friendly fashion forward handbags. Started in the basement studios of Pratt Institute in the summer of 2004, Sarah Morgan started the house inspired by both the Manhattanite and the British esquire. All products, designed by eenamaria, are conceived in New York and manufactured and sourced in China.
Handcrafted in New York City, every Gida Bavari handbag is overseen by the designer with attention to every detail. Only top quality materials are selected, and each Italian skin is hand-picked by the designer prior to crafting each bag. Pockets galore, pen holders, built-in wallet, and keyfob are some of the smart features highlighted—the result is a unique and luxurious collection that is sexy and classic, yet young, modern and fresh.
The JoAnn Huth collection has just launched its first line of luxury accessories. Most recently the Ritz Bag, an elegantly stunning evening bag line. Adorned with Swarovski crystals and delicate silver, gold or pewter toned hardware this chic clutch is the perfect companion for a black tie night on the town or any other special occasion.
Maleku Jewelry Designs expansive line of enchanting jewelry (including eye-catching semiprecious stones in a range of captivating colors) offers everything from dramatic and bold standout pieces, to delicate and intricately crafted stunners. In addition, the attractive jewelry line surprises accessory-lovers with fused and dichroic glass settings as well.
Marijoli is a fresh and cool brand for "the sexy girls", says designer Marielle Byworth. The designs are unique in style, taking inspiration from life; the swirling forms could be anything from breaking waves to melting snow to shimmering corals. The latest collection continues to attract the attention of celebrities like Madonna, Margo Stilley, Kate Moss, China Forbes and fashion insiders worldwide.
schander handbags come from the finest quality leather from calf to lambskin. With gold and silver hardware, there is an element of luxury and glamour to each style. Starting out as a craft lover Cindy Schneider used to make purses out of duct tape. After getting the push from a friend to start her own collection the designer now has seven lines and her own boutique.
Shamila Jiwa’s design reflects a deep synesthesia and an eye for exotica. Inspired by travel, architecture, textiles, food, nature, and above all relationships, her design reflects her ethnic heritage and diverse accumulated experience, shown in her careful rekindling of the natural brilliance of finely culled gems.
For more information about The Accessory Lounge contact:
RSVP - Kerry Bannigan
Look at the video called : Face of Nolcha
Marijoliの大ファン1号でもある、アーティストの篠原ともえちゃんが、また最近、MATRECK Chandelier earringをオーダーしてくれました!
Hi, this is Fuki.
Artist / Musician TOMOE SHINOHARA just got MATRECK Chandelier earring. She have many items from Marijoli, actually.
They are nice on her, aren't they?
Actually, her performance also very cool. So, if you don't know, please check her up!
Ms. Mori, Editor in Chief of ELLE JAPON
森編集長は、ELLE JAPON、ELLEgirl、ELLE ONLINE(ONLINE SHOP含む)まで手がける、エネルギッシュなスーパーウーマン!
(私はMAYING のブレスレットを着用)
ブリッジフィールド ショールーム
プレス 佐久間 麗安
プレス 佐久間 麗安
Today, Ms. Mori, Editor in Chief of ELLE JAPON came visit our showroom.
Ms. Mori is a respectable super woman who oversees ELLE JAPON, ELLEgirl, and ELLE ONLINE (incl. the online shop) !
She liked Marijoli's in-mode design and its affordable price point. (I wore MAYING bracelet today.)
Thank you very much to Ms. Mori for taking some time for us...☆
Bridge Field Showroom
Press: Rena Sakuma
Tokyo First Decayenne Apero

When : Wed. 19th August
Where : 2 ROOMS
What : Sunset

Who : Exclusive Decayenne members ;)
Time : from 6-9pm
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